Red Sander

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Red Sander

Product Name: Red Sander
Catalog: BBC-DP-2023
Botanical Name: Pterocarpus Santal
Parts Used: Wood
Typical Uses: Textiles
Red Sander Red Sander

The red heartwood of Red sander is used for dyeing and produces a range of brown shades. It can be used to dye silk, cotton and wood. By adding mordents, we can alter the shades. Alum and tin are used as pre-mordents and ammonia after baths provide different shades of colors.

Dyeing Processes

  • Pre mordant: Pre-treat the material with alum 10% of fabric weight.
  • Dyeing: To get satisfying colors, use Red sander at 30% of fabric weight. pH of dye bath needs to be maintained at pH 5(vinegar, lime and sodium hydroxide are used to adjust the pH). Dissolve Red sander in water and simmer with fiber until all the color has been taken up.
  • Post treatment: Conduct soaping of the dyed material with non-ionic detergent (0.5gpl) for 20-30 mins.
  • Hot wash and then cold wash.

Alfa Chemistry is a professional supplier of biobased dyes and pigments. For high quality products, professional technical service, use suggestion and latest industry news, please feel free to contact us.

Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.