Himalayan Rhubarb

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Himalayan Rhubarb

Product Name: Himalayan Rhubarb
Catalog: BBC-DP-2009
Botanical Name: Rheum emodi
Parts Used: Roots
Typical Uses: Textiles
Himalayan RhubarbHimalayan Rhubarb

Himalayan rhubarb is a conventional natural dye used for textile. It makes bright yellow and brown color and obtains an odoriferous property. Himalayan rhubarb seems to work best on wool fibers, while it looks pretty glorious on plant-based fibers like cotton, linen and hemp as well. The dye is aromatic and earthy smelling.

Dyeing Processes

  • Pre mordant: Use alum 10% of fabric weight at 80°C for 60 mins. Besides, an iron mordant will create olive greens and an alum mordant with an iron post bath will create deep blackened olive shades.
  • Dyeing: Use Himalayan rhubarb at 10-30% of fabric weight to dye a medium depth of shade. Completely dissolve the powdered Himalayan rhubarb in boiling water and add it to dyebath. Add fabric to the dye bath and maintain it can move freely for at least an hour until all the color has been taken up.
  • Post treatment: Conduct soaping of the dyed material with non-ionic detergent (0.5gpl) for 20-30 mins.
  • Hot wash and then cold wash.

Alfa Chemistry is a professional supplier of biobased dyes and pigments. For high quality products, professional technical service, use suggestion and latest industry news, please feel free to contact us.

Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.