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Product Name: Madder
Catalog: BBC-DP-2012
Botanical Name: Rubia cordifolia
Parts Used: Roots
Typical Uses: Textiles
Madder Madder

Madder is one of the oldest and most frequently used traditional dyestuffs and it is widely used to produce various reds including orange reds, brick red, blood red and fiery reds. In combination with other dyes madder can give crimson, purple, rust, browns, and near blacks. Besides, the color depends on the soil the roots where they grown, their age, the mineral content of the water used for dyeing, the temperature of the dye pot, and how much madder you use in relation to the fiber.

Dyeing Processes

  • Pre mordant: Use alum 15% of fabric weight.
  • Dyeing: Use at 3-8% WOF for a medium depth of shade. To achieve reds and avoid browns keep the dyebath under 82°C.
  • Post treatment: Conduct soaping of the dyed material with non-ionic detergent (0.5gpl) for 20-30 mins.
  • Hot wash and then cold wash.

Alfa Chemistry is a professional supplier of biobased dyes and pigments. For high quality products, professional technical service, use suggestion and latest industry news, please feel free to contact us.

Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.