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Product Name: Alkanet
Catalog: BBC-DP-2001
Botanical Name: Alkanna tinctoria
Parts Used: Roots
Typical Uses: Textiles, Cosmetics, Soaps and Pigments
Alkanet Alkanet

Alkanet, or Alkanna tinctoria is a very attractive purple colorant which can be found in the roots of plants belonging to the borage family. Alkanet is often used in textiles, cosmetics, soaps and pigments. In alkaline environments, alkanet dye has a blue color, with the color changing again to crimson on addition of an acid. The color is red at pH 6.1, purple at 8.8 and blue at pH 10. It is not very soluble in water and the color can fade with washing or overexposure to sunlight. Before the dyebath, the alkanet root must be soaked in a solution of alcohol and hot water – colorless rubbing alcohol or methylated spirits can be used.

Dyeing Processes

  • Pre mordant: Pre-treat the materials with alum 15% of fabric weight at 80°C for about 60 mins.
  • Dyeing: Add the required amount of dye to the dye bath. First, soak the alkanet in organic solvent (alcohol or methylated spirits) for several days to extract the color. Then add some water and maintain the fabric can move freely. Add fabric to the dye bath and maintain at no higher than 60°C until all the color has been taken up. We check all our natural dyes at 75-100% of fabric weight, you can amend the percentage as per lighter or darker shade required.
  • Post treatment: Conduct soaping of the dyed material with non-ionic detergent (0.5gpl) for 20-30 mins.
  • Hot wash and then cold wash.

Alfa Chemistry is a professional supplier of biobased dyes and pigments. For high quality products, professional technical service, use suggestion and latest industry news, please feel free to contact us.

Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.